Here is an exchange between two friend Rahim and Karim about the preparation for the SSC Examination. 


Rahim : Hi, Karim. Fine to meet you. How are you companion?

Karim : Fine. Shouldn't something be said about's you?

Rahim : I am same to you. Be that as it may, I need to impart a thing to you.

Karim : Affirm, kindly do.

Rahim :Last Examination is pounding at the gateway. What might it be a smart thought for me to do?

Karim : Truly we should consider it. Would you be able to educate me concerning your preparation?

Rahim : Obviously. I require your assistance. I know you are extremely spring up in English.

Karim : It's excessively. No notice please. I am over all great however not very great at about it.

Rahim : I think about you. Your class performance is in every case great. In addition, your English                     Dialect learning is likewise solid. Thus, don't stress. You will improve the situation.

Karim : That is alright. Be that as it may, I am frail in Math. How might I enhance my ability in the                     subject?

Rahim : You should require extraordinary instructing for a couple of days. Continuously you will be                       made strides. You can take an uncommon consideration of our Math instructor.                                     Otherwise, rehearse makes a man idealize. Along these lines, be not kidding.

Karim : Much appreciated my companion. I never consider Bengali, religion, science and others.                          However, Math is awfulness to me. It is my test to get A+ check in the subject.

Rahim : Well. Be that as it may, my huge repulsiveness is about Bookkeeping. I can explain general                      Math effortlessly however bookkeeping is extremely an issue to me. How might I                                 enhance  myself?

Karim : As a matter of fact you have to the essential terms about it. You additionally take an extraordinary consideration of your instructor.

Rahim : Truly, I ought to do it. Shouldn't something be said about's your other subjects?

Karim : I am overhauling every single other subject over and over. In addition I read the course                             reading and underline the root words for target compose questions.

Rahim : Great thought. It will be useful to get affirmation moreover.

Karim : Right. You will do as such.

Rahim : Much appreciated. I'll tail you.

Karim : Without hard work we can't contact our objective.

Rahim : Beyond any doubt. Without A+ we can't get great shot. The present world is extremely                           aggressive.

Karim : You are correct. Affirm companion, we may go now.

Rahim : See you once more. Bye

Karim : Bye.