Here is a Dialogue between two companions Rahim and Karim                        about the benefits of early rising. 


Rahim ; Hello, Karim.

Karim ; Goodness, Rahim. How are you?

Rahim ; Fine. Shouldn't something be said about's you?

Karim ; Same to you. Rahim, you are so early feathered creature.

Rahim : Truly. I am exceptionally happy of your organization in this early morning.

Karim : Beyond any doubt. I additionally get a kick out of the chance to appreciate the natural demeanor of the open field.

Rahim : I am too. Natural air revives our body and psyche.

Karim : Right. I walk thirty minutes. Then take some activity.

Rahim : Great job. Do you know other benefits?

Karim : What would you like to state?

Rahim : On the off chance that we rise early, we can invest enough energy to set up our exercises. Eventually we can release our obligation in time.

Karim : Okay. Another thing is that I feel great throughout the day. Without a doubt early rising is a decent propensity. However, now and then I can't do that.

Rahim : Extremely miserable. Affirm, don't stress. I will attempt to alert you.

Karim : Beyond any doubt! It would be extremely pleasant.

Rahim : Obviously. It is fundamental for all matured individuals. Another vital thing is that I can play out my morning supplication.

Karim : Extremely agile. I will go along with you next time.

Rahim : Pleasant. I think this propensity causes me to keep my body free from illnesses.

Karim : Totally right.

Rahim : Approve, we can walk a couple of minutes before returning home.

Karim : How about we do.

Rahim : I feel tired. We ought to go now.

Karim : Approve. Wish your great wellbeing.

Rahim : See you again next morning. Bye

Karim: Bye.