Here is a discourse between two friend Rahim and Karim about the importance of tree plantation


Rahim : Hello Karim. Good evening. What's going on with you?

Karim : Great evening Rahim! I am planting a tree. Exceptionally decent to meet you. How are you?

Rahim : I am fine. Shouldn't something be said about's you?

Karim : Same to you.

Rahim : Planting trees, it's extremely a decent work.

Karim : Totally you are correct. Trees are exceptionally valuable thing for every one of us.

Rahim : I know. They give us timber and shade. Trees are our closest companions.

Karim : Good. We utilize timber to make our home, furniture and numerous other essential things.

Rahim : Essential thing is that a tree is an oxygen production line.

Karim : Beyond any doubt. Trees meet our fuel requests.

Rahim : Right. They shield us from tempest and soil disintegration.

Karim : You are correct. So we should plant more trees.

Rahim : In the event that we cut one, we should plant two.

Karim : Obviously. We can utilize our unused land for planting. One day it will involve money                          related help for a family.

Rahim : What would it be a good idea for us to improve the situation that?

Karim : We should make individuals mindful of the need of trees. Electronic media can take critical                  job through various projects.

Rahim : You are correct. Government should make a move about it. In any case, when would it be a                   good idea for us to plant trees?

Karim : Blustery season is the best time. Otherwise, we can plant a few trees all the all year.

Rahim : Truly we should feel its need. Evacuating exhaustion, we discover the shade of tree to keep                  us cool in the searing warmth.

Karim : Without trees we can't think our reality. We can't think our clear and succulent products of                   the soil other life sparing medications.

Rahim : Wow acknowledgment. Much obliged to you. Affirm companion, we ought to go now.

Karim : Affirm. Wish your great wellbeing.

Rahim : See you once more. Bye

Karim : Bye.